Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year ! 2014

あけまして おめでとうございます (Happy New Year)

( I hope the new year is as brilliant as ever for you)

元旦(がんたん)(the first day of the year)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

にほんごで はなしませんか

★Inviting someone to do something and making suggestions.

1. verbーませんか
えいがを みませんか。 What do you say to seeing a movie?
いっしょに ひるごはんを たべませんか。 What do you say to having lunch with me?

2. verbーましょう
いっしょに としょかんで べんきょうしましよう。 Let's study in the library together.
きっさてんで コーヒーを のみましょうか。 Shall we drink coffee at a coffee shop?

★Nihongo Salon

にほんごで はなしましょう!
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.

December 22 (Sun) 8:00-9:00 am (Japan Time)

Please check your local time in the google calendar below. This is totally free charge. Please feel free to send your skype name through "Contact" button upper on this page.