Monday, June 1, 2015


Going on a trip to Shinshu from the 16th to the 27th, no regular classes
Shinshu is the traditional name for Nagano Prefecture. Located in central Honshu—the primary island of Japan—Shinshu flourished in ancient times as a cultural crossroads between Eastern and Western Japan.

Mini Lesson

ー 駅(えき)で ー
Asking a station worker what way of transportation you should use to go to a place you desire.

マイク:すみません。Aへは どう 行(い)ったらいいですか。
Mike:     Excuse me. How do I go to A?

駅員(えきいん):B ラインで C まで行(い)って、Cで Dラインに 乗(の)り換  (か)えてください。

Station worker:  Take the B Line to C, then transfer to the D Line.
マイク:ここから Aまで、何分(なんぷん)くらい かかりますか。
           About how many minutes does it take to get to A from here?

駅員(えきいん) : そうですね。20分(にじゅっぷん)ぐらい ですね。
                        Well, about 20 minutes.

            Thank you very much.