Friday, September 4, 2015

9月(くがつ) September

*9月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in September

Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」

Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.

  September 20 (Sunday)--- 9:00-9:50 (Japan Time)

 Three students are expected to participate as of Sep.15.
Why don't you join us?

The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.

 This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.

*Mini Lesson 
Pattern 1:  N が ほしいです ( I want N)

・わたしは くるまが ほしいです。(I want a car)
・ちいさい カメラが ほしいです。(I want a small camera)

Pattern 2: V-ます-form たいです

・京都へ いきたいです。(I want to go to Kyoto)
・すしを たべたいです。(I want to eat sushi)