*12月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in December
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
December 18(Sun)---9:00-9:50am(Japan Time)
The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
Mini Lesson
すしやで (At a Sushi Restaurant)
A: きれいな みせですね。(What a beautiful restaurant!)
よく ここに きますか。(Do you often come here?)
B: ええ。(Yes)
ここは とても ゆうめいな みせです。(It's a very famous restaurant.)
のみものは なんに しますか。(What would you like to drink?)
A: なまビールに します。(I'll have a draft beer.)
B: (Saying to a waiter)
すみません。(Excuse me.)
なまビールを ふたつ おねがいします。(Two draft beers, please.)
(Looking at the sushi menu)
すしは なんに しますか。(What kind of sushi will you have?)
A: うーん、そうですね(Well, let me see)・・・
とろに します。(I'll have tuna belly.)
Bさんは?(How about you?)
B: いかに します。(I'll have squid.)
(Saying to a waiter)
すみません。(Excuse me.)
とろと いかを おねがいします。(Tuna belly and squid, please.)
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Thursday, November 3, 2016
11月 (じゅういちがつ) --- November
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
November27(Sun)---9:00-9:50am(Japan Time)
The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
*Mini Lesson
かいしゃで (At the Office)
A: Bさんは すしが すきですか。(Do you like sushi?)
B: はい、すきです。(Yes, I do.)
A: そうですか。いいすしやを しっています。(Do you? I know a good sushi restaurant.
いっしょに いきませんか。(Would you like to go there with me?)
B: いいですね。ぜひ。いつ いきますか。(I'd like that. When shall we go?)
A: あしたは どうですか。(How about tomorrow?)
B: すみません。あしたは ちょっと・・・・。(Sorry. Well, not tomorrow.)
A: そうですか。じゃ、きんようびは どうですか。(I see. Then, how about Friday?)
B: だいじょうぶです。(That's fine.)
A: じゃ、きんようびに いきましょう。(OK, let's go on Friday!)
B: たのしみに しています。(I'm looking forward to it.)
Saturday, October 1, 2016
10月 (じゅうがつ) --- October
*10月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in October
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
October 23(Sun)---9:00-9:50am(Japan Time)
The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
*Mini Lesson
At a Hair Salon/Barbershop
A: いらっしゃいませ。今日(きょう)は どうなさいますか。(Hello. How would you like your hair done today?)
B: シャンプーと カットを おねがいします。(I would like a shampoo and a cut please.)
A: はい。では、あちらの シャンプーだいへ どうぞ。(Ok. Then, please go over to that shampoo basin.)
(After shampooing)
A: どのぐらい 切(き)りましょうか。(How much would you like it cut?)
B: 少し みじかく してください。(I would like it a little shorter.)
A: このぐらいの 長(なが)さは どうですか。(How about this length?)
B: はい、おねがいします。(Yes, please.)
Saturday, September 3, 2016
9月 (くがつ) ---- September
*9月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in September
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
September 25(Sun)---10:00-10:50am(Japan Time)
The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
*Mini Lesson --- Let's practice reading Hiragana & Katakana
Monday, August 1, 2016
8月 (はちがつ) --- August
*8月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in August
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
August 21(Sun)---10:00-10:50am(Japan Time)
The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
*おしらせ (Notification)
Kokoro Talk Policies will be amended to include the following:
In the case of students' cancellation due to an unavoidable reason with no chance of a substitute lesson, the lesson fee can be refunded. However, in the case of student's cancellation, the amount of each refund would be deducted a Paypal Commission Handling fee.
*ミニレッスン Let's do exercises!
★Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Sample Questions N4- (2)
____のことばは ひらがなで どう かきますか。1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんで ください。
(1) きょうは かぜが 強いです。
1.さむい 2.よわい 3.つよい 4.つめたい
(2) ちょっと 教えて ください。
1.おちえて 2.おしえて 3.きょうえて 4.きょえて
(3) その ビルは 近くに あります。
1.とおく 2.ちかく 3.しかく 4.ちく
(4) 空が きれいに 見えます。
1.くも 2.そら 3.くう 4.ほし
(5) 兄と テニスを しました。
1.あに 2.あね 3.おとうと 4.いもうと
こたえ(Answer) (1)-3, (2)-2, (3)-2, (4)-2, (5)-1
Friday, July 1, 2016
7月 (しちがつ) --- July
*7月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in July
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
July 24 (Sun)---20:30-21:20 (Japan Time)
The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
*おしらせ (Notification)
Kokomo Talk Policies will be amended to include the following:
In the case of students' cancellation due to an unavoidable reason with no chance of a substitute lesson, the lesson fee can be refunded, however it will be computed as follows: (one class---JPY653 for No.1 course, JPY615 for No.2 course, JPY572 for No.3 course, JPY557 for Special course 1, JPY526 for Special course 2, due to Paypal requiring a Paypal Commission Handling fee)
*ミニレッスン Let's do exercises!
★Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Sample Questions N4- (1)
____のことばは ひらがなで どう かきますか。1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんで ください。
(1) この みせには 安い ものも 高い ものも あります。
1.たかい 2.やすい 3.ながい 4.うまい
(2) どんな 家ですか。
1.か 2.うえ 3.いえ 4.け
(3) 歌が じょうずです。
1.え 2.はなし 3.うた 4.か
(4) はやく 帰って きて ください。
1.かえって 2.もどって 3.いって 4.きって
(5) 急いで ください。
1.およいで 2.はやいで 3.きゅういで 4.いそいで
こたえ(Answer) (1)-2, (2)-3, (3)-3, (4)-1, (5)-4
Thursday, June 2, 2016
6月 (ろくがつ ) ---- June
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
June 26 (Sun)---21:00-21:50 (Japan Time)
The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
*ミニレッスン Let's do exercises!
*動詞の活用 2 (どうし の かつよう、 Conjugation of Verbs)
Sunday, May 1, 2016
5月 (ごがつ)---- May
*5月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in May
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
May 22 (Sun)---21:00-21:50 (Japan Time)
The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
*動詞の活用 1 (どうし の かつよう、 Conjugation of Verbs)
Roma-ji version |
Friday, April 1, 2016
4月(しがつ) --- April
*4月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in April
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
April 24(Sun)--- 9:00-9:50 (Japan Time)
The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
*和製英語2(わせいえいご、Japanese words coined from English words;Janglish)
タッチアウト(touch out) ⇒ tag out
マンション(mansion) ⇒apartment
ガードマン(guard man)⇒security guard
クーラー(cooler) ⇒ air conditioner
コストダウン(cost down) ⇒ cost reduction
バックミラー(back mirror) ⇒ rearview mirror
ホッチキス(Hotchkiss) ⇒ stapler
ベビーカー(baby car) ⇒ stroller
ボディチェック(body check) ⇒ security check
モーニングコール(morning call) ⇒ wake-up call
ベッドタウン(bed town) ⇒ satellite town; the suburbs
Monday, February 29, 2016
3月(さんがつ) --- March
*3月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in March
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
March 20 (Sun)--- 9:00-9:50 (Japan Time)
The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
*和製英語1(わせいえいご、Japanese words coined from English words;Janglish)
コップ ⇒ teacup;wineglass
セーター ⇒ sweater
アルコール ⇒ alcohol
マクドナルド ⇒ McDonald's
ツイッター ⇒ Twitter
インテリ ⇒ the intellectuals
インフレ ⇒ inflation
アクセル ⇒ accelerator
ファックス ⇒ facsimile
フライパン ⇒ frying pan
マザコン ⇒ mummy's boy
マスコミ ⇒ mass media
ココア ⇒ hot chocolate
Monday, February 1, 2016
2月(にがつ) --- February
「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of kokoro Talk.
February 21 (Sun) --- 9:00 - 9:50 (Japan Time)
The google calendar on this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact"button upper on the top page.
* 間違(まちが)えやすい文法(ぶんぽう) --- Easily Mistakable Grammar
◎ Giving and receiving (1) あげる・くれる・もらう
① Giving to someone --- あげる
Ex. きのう、ともだちに 花(はな)を あげました。
I gave flowers to my friend yesterday.
② Someone gives to me (or you or him, etc.) --- くれる
Ex. 田中(たなか)さんは わたしに クリスマスカードを くれました。
Mr. Tanaka gave me a Christmas card.
③ Receiving from someone --- もらう
Ex. 母(はは)に 誕生日(たんじょうび)プレゼントを もらいました。
I received a birthday present from my mother.
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