Friday, July 1, 2016

7月 (しちがつ) --- July

*7月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in July

Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」

Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
July 24 (Sun)---20:30-21:20 (Japan Time)

 The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
 This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.

 *おしらせ (Notification)
Kokomo Talk Policies will be amended to include the following

 In the case of students' cancellation due to an unavoidable reason with no chance of a substitute lesson, the lesson fee can be refunded, however it will be computed as follows: (one class---JPY653 for No.1 course, JPY615 for No.2 course, JPY572 for No.3 course, JPY557 for Special course 1, JPY526 for Special course 2, due to Paypal requiring a Paypal Commission Handling fee)

 *ミニレッスン  Let's do exercises!

★Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Sample Questions N4- (1)

____のことばは ひらがなで どう かきますか。1・2・3・4から いちばん いい ものを ひとつ えらんで ください。

(1) この みせには 安い ものも 高い ものも あります。
1.たかい  2.やすい  3.ながい  4.うまい

(2) どんな ですか。
1.か   2.うえ   3.いえ   4.け

(3) が じょうずです。
1.え   2.はなし   3.うた   4.か

(4) はやく 帰って きて ください。
1.かえって   2.もどって   3.いって   4.きって

(5) 急いで ください。
1.およいで   2.はやいで   3.きゅういで   4.いそいで

                                                               こたえ(Answer) (1)-2, (2)-3, (3)-3, (4)-1, (5)-4