Sunday, January 1, 2017
1月 (いちがつ) --- January
謹賀新年 今年も どうぞ よろしくお願いします。
Happy New Year! Let's enjoy studying Japanese together this year, too.
★1月日本語サロン --- Nihongo Salon in January
Nihongo Salon 「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.
January 22(Sun)---9:00-9:50am (Japan Time)
Notice: The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.
This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype name through "Contact" button upper on the top page.
★新年(しんねん)の 抱負(ほうふ)は 何(なん)ですか?
★What is your New Year's resolution?
1.お金(かね)を ためることです。To save money.
2.日本語(にほんご)を いっしょうけんめい がんばることです。
To work hard at learning Japanese.
3.本(ほん)を たくさん 読(よ)むことです。To read lots of books.
4.海外旅行(かいがい りょこう)に いくことです。To go for a trip overseas.
5.ダイエットを することです。To lose weight.
6.禁煙(きんえん)することです。To stop smoking
◎私の今年の抱負 My Aspiration for This Year
私の 今年(ことし)の 抱負(ほうふ)は 新(あたら)しい所(ところ)へ 行(い)くこと。たとえ、近(ちか)くでも。
My hope for this year is to go to new places, even if it is close from here.
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