Monday, January 1, 2018

1月(いちがつ)---- January in 2018

 *Nihongo Salon

「にほんごで はなしましょう!」
Let's enjoy free talking in Japanese from both inside and outside of Kokorotalk.

January 21(Sun)---9:00-9:50am (Japan Time)

This is totally free of charge. Please feel free to send your Skype ID through "Contact" button on the website. 
 The google calendar on the this page is shown in JST - Tokyo time zone. First you log in to the google calendar at the lower right of this page using your google account. Secondly, you need to set up your time zone (country) in the settings, and you will see the date of the Nihongo Salon of this month.

*Mini Lesson

(はつもうでの よじじゅくご、Four-kanji idioms for prayers on the first shrine/temple visit of the year)

家内安全(かないあんぜん)…safety of one's family
交通安全(こうつうあんぜん)…traffic safety
無病息災(むびょうそくさい)… state of perfect health,
家庭円満(かていえんまん)… 。household harmony
学業成就(がくぎょうじょうじゅ)…academic achievement
商売繁盛(しょうばいはんじょう)…a thriving business. prosperity of business
身体健全(しんたいけんぜん)…a sound mind in a sound body
心身向上(しんしんこうじょう)…improvement of mental and pysical condition
心願成就(しんがんじょうじゅ)…fulfillment of one's dearest wishes
良縁成就(りょうえんじょうじゅ)… fulfillment for good match
子宝成就(こだからじょうじゅ)…to be blessed with good children
夫婦和合(ふうふわごう)… matrimonial harmony
★あなたは何をお祈りしますか?(What are you going to pray for?)