Hello, everyone! It has gradually become warm and we can not wait for the cherry blossoms blooming.
Why do people say that January goes, February gets away, March leaves?
There is a New Year in January, February is originally 28 days shorter than ordinary month, March is year end so many things to do.
For these reasons, it means that in the months of January, February and March, the day passes sooner (it does not progress as you think that there are many things to do) is "going in January, get away in February, leave in March" .
"Iku (to go)" using the first sound "i" of Ichi-gatsu (January), "Nigeru (to get away)" using the sound of "ni" in Ni-gatsu (February), "Saru ( to leave)" using the first sound of "sa" in San-gatsu(March). It is an expression that contains elements of word play. a kind of vernac.
★ 重要なお知らせ Important Notification
To everyone who is using PayPal,
It has been decided that the PayPal handling fee (4.1%+40yen) must be paid by students from April.
Thank you for your understanding.
★ Mini Lesson
〇単語(たんご)を 並(なら)べ替(か)えて 文(ぶん)を 完成(かんせい)させましょう。Rearrange the following words into correct order.
1.【 いちばん どこ で が 海外旅行(かいがいりょこう) 】 楽(たの)しかった?
Where did you enjoy the most among foreign travels?
2. 【 あまり が デザイン は この靴(くつ) 】 よくない。
The design of this shoes is not good so much.
3.【 とても この辞書(じしょ) と 役(やく)に立(た)つ は 】思(おも)います。
I think this dictionary is very useful.
4.美術館(びじゅつかん) 【 だと は 思(おも)います 休(やす)み きょう 】。
I think the museum is closed today.
5.【 の そんなに 試験(しけん) 今回(こんかい) は 】 難(むずか)しくなかった。
The examination this time was not so difficult.
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