信州旅行 (しんしゅう りょこう、The Trip to Shinshu)
9日目 (ここのかめ、the ninth day) -- 松本市 (Matsumoto City)
*松本城 (まつもとじょう、Matsumoto Castle)
Matsumoto-jo was originally built in 1504 and used until 1868,the year of Meiji Restoration.
松本城 (まつもとじょう、Matsumoto-jo), 埋橋 (うずみばし, Uzumi-bashi Bridge to the Uzumi gate) |
天守閣 (てんしゅかく、the Main Tower)、乾小天守 (いぬいこてんしゅ、Small Northern Tower) |
天守閣 (てんしゅかく, the main tower)、辰巳附櫓 (たつみつけ やぐら,the SE wing, Tastumi-tsuke-Yagura on the right) |
甲冑武者 (かっちゅう むしゃ, Take a photo with the armored warrior) |
鯱 (しゃちほこ、A pair of fabulous dolphin-like fish were originally decorated the roof-ridge of the castle) |
懸魚の心材 (げぎょのしんざい、 Gegyo -- a decorative wooden board used to cover the ridge and purlin ends on a roof gable and as a charm to prevent from fires) |
天守閣の内部 (Inside of the main tower) |
急な階段(きゅうなかいだん、Steep wooden stairways) |
月見櫓 (つきみやぐら)からの眺め (ながめ)- the view from the moon-viewing tower) |
*上高地 (かみこうち、Kamikochi) -- the site of outstanding natural beauty
It was designated as a Protected Forest (1916) and Area of Scenic Beauty (1952) for the first time in Japan.
梓川と焼岳 (Azusa River & Mt.Yakedake--an active volcano, 2455m above) |
大正池と穂高連峰 (たいしょういけ、ほだか れんぽう、Taishoike Pond & Hodaka Mountain Range, 3033m-3190m above) |
静寂(せいじゃく、Silence) |
ニッコウキスゲ (Day lilies)
つつじ (Azalea) | | |
梓川 (あずさがわ)と明神岳(みょうじんだけ)Azusagawa River & Mt. Myojindake, 2931m above)
究極 (きゅうきょく)の森林浴 (しんりんよく) - the ultimate therapeutic walk in the forest)
梓川(あずさがわ)と河童橋(かっぱばし) - Azusagawa River & Kappabashi Bridge
梓川と穂高連峰 (Azusagawa River & Hodaka Mountain Range) |
きのこめし弁当(べんとう) - a box lunch of boiled rice with mushrooms
足湯 (あしゆ) - Free for a footbath at a rest area |
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